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Ways to live a healthy Life while acing a 9-5 job

Well, needless to say, nothing is superior to health, but in earning our bread and butter we often put our health in the last position, in COVID-19 situation we have hit a 'Pandemic within a pandemic situation',

as offices, colleges, school are all closed, the scarcity of physical activity is on a rise but here we will learn about various healthy yet easy habits which you can easily inculcate in your daily life.

But before going ahead let's get into what really health is, well it's quite subjective, for many it's just building an aesthetically pleasing slim body but if you ask me it is the blend of mental, physical and emotional health. If you have a slim figure but there is a continuous headache, fatigue, lack of stamina then there is no point of having a lean body.

Now that we are clear about the true meaning of good health, let's go ahead and enhance our life

Plan Of Action

Given below is a flowchart of steps that you can take in order to enhance your daily habits, I have taken an example of exercise and reading books, you can add any new habit which will add on to your life, the basic concept being to start slow so you don't overwhelm yourself and being regular in whatever you do.

Small actions daily will lead to increase in energy and motivation

Few tips to start with

  • Drink lots of water : As cliche, as it sounds, drinking water is one of the most important aspects of our health, needless to say, staying hydrated makes our organs happy and they clap, on a serious note 70% of our body is made up of water, it aids better digestion, maintains gut health, good skin and hair.

* Pro Tip : Keep alarms as reminder, while working we often forget to drink water , alarms will be a great help.

  • Exercise: I won't fill your brain with all the typical 'Gyan' that's been given around exercise but to fill your day with energy & positivity, exercising is an absolute compulsion, basically having a habit of exercising daily even for just 20 mins, build up your mood, day and of course your body to. Attaching my personal photo of post work-out for some inspiration.

*Pro Tip : To start with commit 20 mins of any activity daily, select your work-out video a night before, and do your exercise every single day.

  • Stretch and walk after every few hours : There are more lifestyle diseases than any others, sitting in-front of your computer for hours leads to back-ache, neck problems and what not, save yourself the trouble and start stretching after every 30 mins.

  • Eating in moderation: 'Moderation is key', often people starve themselves from the home-made food, whereas the secret lies in traditional food, as a result of starvation we tend to eat even more then required. Don't underestimate the power of your body, it itself tells you when to stop eating, you need no dietician to tell you how much to eat, your body is your best guide.

  • Reading before you sleep and after you wake up: I can't tell you the unimaginable benefits of this, whatever you read in the morning sets the mood for the day and what we read in the night it expands inside our mind in the morning. This is what maintains the mental and emotional health of being.

Now that we are familiar with the steps to be taken for living a healthy life, we should go ahead and discover some cool apps that will be our guide in the fitness journey, these will work as our fitness buddy and give directions all through our challenges:

Apps that will act as your fitness partner

  1. Map my run : This app will track your run on a daily basis, not only this it can also track other activities like yoga, cycling, work-outs etc.

  2. Fitness buddy : As the name suggests this app will provide you the meal plans, work-outs, a virtual personal trainer that will drag you on the days when it gets difficult to get out of the bed.

  3. Runastic : This app will track your daily progress, the calories burnt, and all tha data of your hard-work will you can see through and analyze, a voice coach offers feedback in audio format.

  4. 30 Days fitness at Home : As the name says it all it provides various work-outs, various challenges that breaks the monotonous pattern and gives reminders of work-outs.

  5. Home work-outs : This app is the need of the hour when all the gyms are closed this app serves as one of the best medium for animates video which you can easily follow.

  6. Daily work-out fitness Trainer : This is what all the working professionals require, this app helps you schedule your work-outs according to your time-line, there are exercises which are targeted on a particular muscle group.

To sum up :

To conclude with, it is not that difficult to stay healthy, just small daily habits in your daily life can make a huge difference, just small efforts with consistency, can take you way ahead in your fitness journey. Whether it is about eating the right food or exercises or drinking water, reading, consistency is the key.

Lastly don't procrastinate start now!.....bring these words into execution.

A pie graph that demonstrate the qualities required to live a fit life


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